Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Just before Halloween we took Drew to the pumpkin patch. He loves pumpkins and loved the grocery store during October, we had to pat the pumpkins every time we walked by. We had a great day seeing all of the pumpkins, walking through a corn maze, and petting the animals at the petting zoo. He is saying a few words these days, the favorite being, "dog" he affectionately pointed at everything from the ostrich to the donkey and said "Dog!" Here are a few pictures from our trip:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

One Year Old Stats!

Here's how Drew checked out at his one year old appointment.

Height: 32 inches 97th percentile
Weight: 23 lbs. 50-75 percentile (we think their scale is off, he feels way heavier than 23 lbs)
Head: His head is continuing to grow at an alarming rate, which is fine, but it is huge and is becoming the reason we are outgrowing shirts, it no longer fits through most 18month -24 month clothes, 2T here we come!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Happiest One Year Old!

It is hard to believe that two weeks ago Drew turned one years old! This year has gone faster than we could ever imagined, we have had so much fun watching him grow. In celebration of his big birthday, we thought it would only be appropriate to spend it, in Disneyland. So hear are some of the highlights of our trip!

Drew was definitely over stimulated from the moment we walked in the park until we came home 5 days later! And although I would like to think he thoroughly enjoyed himself at Disneyland, I think having dad all day long, for 5 days may have been the highlight for Drew. As you will see by the pictures, Mommy was chopped liver, while at the happiest place on earth!

Our first day at Disneyland and Drew's Birthday! He received a "Happy Birthday" pin, that we pinned to his stroller and everywhere we went Disney staff wished him a Happy Birthday. We think it was all of this attention that helped him master the art of waving and blowing kisses.

It's a small world was Drew's favorite ride. We rode it several times and he would either get so relaxed that he would fall asleep or he would dance to the music!

Too tired to eat!

His first pair of ears!

It was so much fun, we can't wait to go back!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


We celebrated Drew's 1st birthday, a few days early. We had such a good time with our family and friends. Here is what he thought of the cake...more pictures to come!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sweet Pea Turns 11 Months

Our little boy turned 11 months old yesterday. It was funny, that as Nik and I got things together for pre-school, we reminisced about how she was full-fledged prego at this time last year. Drew has officially outgrown any clothing in the "12 Month" range, and the "18 Month" range is getting a bit tight. He started using sign language...sometimes... every once in a while. We taught him the sign for 'please', and when I came home last night, he reached up for me and then motioned 'please' for me to pick him up. I was blown away! I have a hard time believing that 11 months ago, this beautiful baby boy was so frail and needy. Now he is almost walking by himself and feeding his face. Side note: He double-fists the chicken into his mouth... officially making him a 'Meatatarian.' I am so proud!
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Nikki was fortunate to capture his first major crawling on video. Since Friday (the day before he turned 10 months), he has become extremely mobile. He has begun going from a lying down position, to a sitting position, to standing-up, and of course (drum-roll please) crawling. It's time to get baby gates! I'm afraid that I'm going to come home from work one day and he'll be running circles around my feet... I'm sure that day is coming soon enough!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Like a Fish...

Over the past couple of weeks Drew and I have been attending a "Mommy & Me " swim class. It has been a blast to watch him in the water. I hope that I am training up a little fish because if I could, I would waste my summer days in the pool! So in hopes of some day having a pool buddy, we began swim classes on June 11th. The idea for this first session is to teach them how to float and when under water how to roll and float on the surface. He is getting the hang of the floating, but the underwater part seems to be a bit traumatic. Here are some pictures from the first class where he was apparently in so much shock he didn't know he should cry...at least not right away! He has cried the entire time, the past two classes! We go tomorrow for class number 4, hopefully with less tears!